Air in Skin

“To be a woman in this world is to be a voyeur to your own life. To be wanted is to be silent. To stay alive is to be a balloon tethered to air. When one says “love”, what comes to mind?”

Perfection doesn’t exist when we live a world full of imperfect beings. Human beings are not designed to be perfect. Humans beings are complexed beings. And that’s the beauty of being human. Of being real. Of being true. Yet we strive for perfection in looks, perfection in thoughts, perfection in feelings, and simply, perfection in life.

When we start to learn that what it means to be perfect comes from accepting our imperfections, our flaws, our scars, our past, and our present; we start to embrace a new found definition for perfection. We start to accept and eventually heal. We slowly start to become perfect… for us.

As the play leads us to uncover the road towards acceptance, healing, and freedom; we are confronted by the notion of what it means to be truly happy.

Air in Skin, for me at least, is a raw, imperfect, and painful journey towards one’s discovery of true happiness.

I hope it’s a self reflective road for you too.

Indumathi Tamilselvan, Director

Lighting Designer

Ian Pereira


Arielle Jasmine Van Zuijlen, Patrick Alvarez

Stage Manager

Nicole Tanjung


Between 5 Cows and the Deep Blue Sea...